Wednesday 25 May 2016

final reflection

The design that I am going to work on Scratch is the storyboard that has the lonely girl in it. The reason that I am going to do it about the lonely girl is because I think loneliness is a big problem in our lives. When people can't find friends or anybody to talk to, they become lonely. When I start making the interactive video on Scratch it will be more interesting and more fun to do.  When I do it on scratch I am going to use the glide feature to make my character glide, making it more interesting. I am also going to change the background to make it clear that the scene has changed. I am also going to make two new characters called May and April. There are going to be sound effects in the background and there are going to be lots of conversations between the 2 characters. The reason that I chose to do this is to raise awareness about loneliness. The project is following through as I expected but I am facing some troubles and obstacles due to the fact that I have never used Scratch before, and am still trying to find my way around it. There are 4 scenes in this story, you can tell that the scene changes when the background changes. This project is original because I came up with it all by myself, and is interesting and important because it is a real life problem and it has happened to my friend before. I have now completed 2 of my scratch programming, I went according to plan, and I have done 1 about my hobby football and one about getting friends and not being lonely. I enjoyed doing it on scratch because i like the way that it was made, you can use it to express or show anything about you or about anything. The things that i found tricky about making the whole program is how to make two characters have a conversation and to get the timing right between each conversation. If i could/would do this project again it will be adding more conclusion and movement into it. In conclusion i enjoyed doing the project and have learnt many things, I had many obstacles in my way, but i have managed to get over them. I could always improve on trying new things and i would love to do this again with more effort and lots more improvements to be made. 

self evaluation

Tuesday 24 May 2016

scratch reflection (not the final one)

I have finished my second project on scratch. I did this one about football, I did it about football because my hobby is about playing football so I chose something to do with my identity and something that represents me. The characters in this scratch program are called Avery ad Alex. This story also represents me because I was also a type of person to be shy of showing something you like, so I did this to show my story but in an animated form. There was only one background that I used, but I used lots of conversation between 2 characters, I also used movements such as glide. The background was on a football pitch because that is where my story relates to. The starting conversation began when Avery asked Alex if she liked playing football, then Alex said yes and started playing football with him just for fun.  The most thing that I found interesting and fun about this is the fact where I could have many different movements happening at the same time, what I found tricky was the fact where you have to be exact in the timing you use between each conversation I used in the project. If I was going to do this project again I would improve on making new and more interesting things to get a higher mark and add some sound in it to make it look more realistic. In conclusion I found it fun making the scratch program project but it can take a lot of time to get everything right and perfect.

Saturday 21 May 2016

reflection on scratch ( the final one)

On scratch i have finished one of the projects, I did this one about people who cant find friends because they have just came and people are judging them, so i made a scratch programming about a girl who couldn't find friends called May and a girl called April came to cheer her up. I used 2 different backgrounds in this program, one is the school in the playground and the other one was in Aprils room. they both had a conversation between each other. They both began with introducing themselves. Then April asked why May was so lonely and the answer was because she was new and no one would be her friend. I did this to show that no on should judge people at the first sight, and that no one should be lonely. The thing that i found interesting and fun was how you can change the background automatically to show that the scene has changed. The thing that i found hard or tricky is how to control the timings, how many seconds the other person has to wait so the other person can finish talking. The new thing that i have learnt was how you can change the background automatically, because before i thought you can only have one background for the whole project. I am an IB learner because i have used my knowledge on the project and i was an inquirer because i asked questions. I am also organized because i have finished my project in time  

scratch projects ( the final)

Sunday 1 May 2016

story boards

In IT class we were learning about making conversations between two characters on the website or app scratch. I did my story about a girl called may and another girl called April. May had no friends so April decided to come and ask her to her house so they can be friends.  she agreed and went over to may's house. I wanted to do this about two people becoming friends because I think it is right to have friends with someone instead of being a lone. I firs planed on what I should do it about. then I sketched it on a different piece of paper and made up conversation, now i am planning to do the same story on scratch. The thing that I found interesting is when I was working on it on scratch, I like how we can use the different techniques and unique shapes and characters. The thing that I found challenging was the time that was between each person’s conversation, you need to get it correctly or Aprils conversation may be in the way of Mays conversation. The thing that I found surprising was is how you could make the background in many different places. I also like how you can make different sounds to go with your characters very realistic


We had to do a second story board with a different story, this one is talking about my hobby which is playing football. The characters are the same as my first story. This story talk about a girl who loves to play football but was too shy to play it with someone because she was afraid if they are going to judge on how she plays, so then another person came and encouraged her to play it with her and she agreed, the girl after that scored a goal and the other who didn't want to play football was a bit embarrassed because she lost but then she understood what she had to deal with in life. i decided to do this story because i love football and it happened to me before i started playing football in the girls football team in primary and high school. The thing that i like about this is if i put it on scratch i can learn new things like maybe how you can walk or run, i haven't tried it yet but i probably will sometime. The thing that i was proud of in this assessment is how i used areal life story in it. I could have improved on improving how my pictures look like and make it on scratch more realistic. 

Saturday 23 April 2016

about me

                                                Post Title- Term 3- Scratch Programming Project
 Statement of Inquiry   Computational Creation enables me to be creative
Introduction     In Term 3 we will be working on Scratch programming. This is creative computing and enables us to explore various sprites and commands in Scratch.About MeThe scratch screen comes here.You should also snip tool your codes for the particular screen created
global context:

ATL skills:

Creative Thinking
Information Literacy
Identities and Relationship

Why I have chosen Identities and Relationships:
I have chosen identities and relationship because i feel that the things that i am going to be doing about are about my identities and my relationship with my friends and family. I am probably going to do a scratch about me playing football with my friend. The reason that I am going to be doing it about football is because I love playing football. I have played football when i was at a very young age and yet I still play it. But I have had many injuries and that stops me. I will be a lot doing of creative thinking on scratch because I have many ideas I would like to share, and I have learnt a lot in scratch such as doing new things with the characters. I will also be doing lots of research to see what new things scratch can do and have.

 What suits my project? 
Family and relationships:

All the three things are related because my family and most of my friends are interested in sport, but especially football (soccer). I have been introduced to football because of my dad, i have been trained for a long time, so now i will be taking my hobby to scratch program so i can share it with the rest of the people. One of my identities is playing football and one of my friend’s hobbies is playing football so is my dad’s and brother. Now I will be putting a program on scratch because that is talking about friends. That there is a lonely a girl and that I came and helped her because that before happened to me and we ended up with a good relationship between us. I like playing and doing work on scratch because it is a fun way of showing what you like in such a simple way.

reflection on scratch

what was my inspiration?
My inspiration is to learn how to do many different things on scratch such as the glide changing the background and changing the characters

how did u do that?

what did you get stuck on? how did you get unstuck?
i got stuck on making the background of scratch, but after that i learnt how to do it and ended up creating different backgrounds. I also got stuck on drawing a picture of me  wouldn't want to take a picture so i drew myself .
what are you most proud of?
i ma proud of the moves that i came up with like move 15 degrees left or right or forward and back. My favorite one was the glide. i also liked making the different sounds.
what might you do next?
i could have improved on my dialogue and talking to myself, i could have improved on testing many different new sounds i have only used the drum, but i should have used more sounds to make my scratch more interesting.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Evaluation- Criterion D

For the tech fair Malak and I did it about the photo booth. We did that because we thought it was a creative and simple thing to do. We started by getting the card board box to make the actual photo booth. We planned how it is going to be on a piece of paper so we can see how it will end up looking like. WE then cut a big hole in the photo booth so people can go in it and go out of it. Malak was in charge of the DIY (do it yourself) because she was very creative and loves art. i was in charge of decorating the photo booth itself. After that we got a stand to put the camera on it so it can take the picture or we can hold it ourselves. 
Time management:
We used our time wisely, we could do that because we are close friends and we could go to each other’s house anytime so we can finish the photo booth in time. But we could have spent more time on it.
Team Work:
we have worked well together well and spread out the work evenly. WE helped each other when we ere I trouble and we all put the ideas in the photo booth.  We could have spent some more time together doing the photo booth.
Obstacles to overcome:  
There were many obstacles in our photo booth, especially the most important ones such as the size of the photo booth itself. Some simple problems is what background should be colour it should be because it is for girls and boys.
Should we be in the tech fair?

We would like to be in the tech fair but I think that our standards were not high enough for the tech fair. i think it could be tech fair worthy but i find it hard to talk in front of people about the things that i did.

Thursday 24 March 2016

reflection on Flyer


Rania, Arthur and I did a flyer about RAM which stands for (random access memory.) we did the flyer on Arthur's computer, Rania researched the basic facts about it and i researched of where it could be found and we both of us researched interesting facts about it. Arthur loves to play games so he is like a gamer, he knew almost everything about it, he has used his prior knowledge about RAM. i have learnt many things about RAM such as what does it stand for ( random access memory) and that it is very important to have it in your computer, because if you do not  have it you may not be able to have many tabs open at the same time ( if it is in a computer) and that it is the most common type of memory found in laptops, computer and other devices such as printers. I would like to improve on working faster in projects or tasks or at least finish it by the time that is given to you. We have worked well together in our groups, we have communicated, we collaborated and we spread the work easily between ourselves.  

Tuesday 22 March 2016

national agenda and technology

national agenda


it is when the most important people of the country( in the UAE) Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the other very important people are going to meet and discuss a formal meeting 

 national agenda:
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai has made a seven year agenda leading to the UAE. The national sectors include education, healthcare, economy, police and security, housing, infrastructure and government services. they UAE is trying to make the UAE the safest and happiest place in the world, there are lots of security , polices in their position. they UAE is working to improve the quality of air preserving water sources, increasing the contribution of clean energy and implementing green growth plant. i agree with trying to improve the quality of air because of pollution and the factories are always bringing out smoke up to the air and makes everyone sick and may cause serious damages. 

how to make this environment good throughout technology:
there are many ways to make the UAE as it is by using technology, there are many apps and websites to keep track of what is going on. you can also raise awareness on a survey website such as a website called server monkey the website for this is You can use this website because it can go public and everyone would see it and also see what they do to Dubai and how will they help it.
we can use advertisements to raise awareness, they could go on television on your smart phones, any kind of devices and everyone could see it. 

My opinion:
I agree with what Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is saying, we want Dubai to be the place with the best education (universities, college, high school and school in general) we also do not  want to have pollution polluting the UAE. 


Tuesday 1 March 2016


Reflection for advertisement:
In IT class we have been learning about advertisement for the past few weeks. And so one of our tasks was to make awareness for any product of your choice and you may also make up your own, and decided to make up my own product so named it Pelo gorgeous which means in Spanish beautiful hair, so I decided to do that. First I had to plan it on this paper and (i will be putting the picture under this reflection) we had to give our product appealing adjectives and mine were: soft , natural, long, rich, fresh, and beautiful. Questions to hook your reader: what are you waiting? What are the benefits of this product: softer hair and longer hair, my slogans are magnificent hair begins here and no more tears. What is the key information? Coast, special offers, sizes and competitions. What are methods that I can use to persuade my reader I have written this: pictures, buy 1 get 1 free, trailer and discounts. And for what I’m actually going to do for the final is I am first going to write the introduction, how it works what is the name of the product,   then I am going to tell them about the special offers, after that i will introduce the competitions, and at the end I will review what I have done, I will also put pictures surrounding the information I have put.

tech fair ideas

Robot that moves by vibrating
this project was made bye Kiana from our school eism  


  • Two 1.5v motors
  • 6 wires
  • A pen
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Cardboard
  • A plastic bottle
  • A battery case 
  • Scissors
  • Screwdriver
  • YouTube video (For instructions)

This idea is interesting to me because i never knew that a robot could move by vibrating.

sorry miss i couldn't find a picture of this person.


me and malak finished off doing the video about the photo booth
malak introduced what we are going to be doing and i described in details what we are going to do. we have worked well together in the group

reflection for our partners

i learnt from my team mates Akshansh, Ahmed and nicholai (same group) as well as karim.
Karims project was about a game that he created using his computer. The thing that i liked about Karims project was that he made it and it ended up being successful at the end. he also used a very complex cynics program to make it. The feedback that i would like to give Karim is that he could improve on presenting his tech fair project. i think he should go to the tech fair because of his effort in the project.
the thing that i learnt from Akshansh, Ahmed an Nicholai is that they worked together and used all of the group members knowledge to make their tech fair successful, they used a complex project. the feedback that i would like to give them is that it would have been better if they made up the design and wouldn't copy it off the instruction paper. i think they should go to the tech fair is because they made a moving robot.
Kiyara, Rania and Monica's project was very interesting to me because they made their own USB, they have all worked together collaboratively and communicated well when they were presenting. the feedback that i want to give them is that they could have designed it better from the back so it wont look like it is dangerous to touch. i also like that they designed it differently than all the other USB's so that the owner could recognize it. i think they should go to the tech fair is because they made a project that uses many technologies and its unique.
ashkan and arthur's work was very interesting because they made their own game. i like it because it uses a very good technique on how the game looks like they have worked together and communicated very well. the feedback that i would like to give them is that they could have added colour to their project to make it look interesting. i think they should go to the tech fair because their project is entertaining for people to play.
Riya's and ananya work was good but thy could have used programming. i like how they used the character from star wars because now people love star wars and that will attract them. i think they should go to the tech fair because they did aomething that everyone likes these days so it couod have an advantage of making it to the tech fair
Anishka has presented an electronic mop to us for the tech fair. the thing that i like about her project is that she made it because it is useful to people but offcourse there are prons and cons. the advantages of her project is that it can clean but the disadvantages is that it can make people lazy. the feedback that i would like to give her is that she could use more technology. i think it is going to be hard for her to be in the tech faor because she hasent used many technology in her work.
mohammed, khaled and mattie made a game called defenders ship. the thing that i like about the game is that they made it by themselves and it's interesting. the thing that they could improve on is that it could be less violent because it is a game for kids. they could have a chance to make ot in the trch fair because of theor game but as I mentioned before it could be leas violent.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

I think I did a good a good job making the power
point and the photo booth with malaks help
I could have handed it in earlier to get a higher

Saturday 13 February 2016

tech fair

Me and Malak are working together to make a transporting car so we decided to make a transport car because it takes part in our life.
  1. we take a toy car that moves by the remote 
  2. remove the top part and make sure it still works 
  3. get a small bowl on top of the car 
  4. put objects on it and move the car  

tech fair power point