Tuesday 24 May 2016

scratch reflection (not the final one)

I have finished my second project on scratch. I did this one about football, I did it about football because my hobby is about playing football so I chose something to do with my identity and something that represents me. The characters in this scratch program are called Avery ad Alex. This story also represents me because I was also a type of person to be shy of showing something you like, so I did this to show my story but in an animated form. There was only one background that I used, but I used lots of conversation between 2 characters, I also used movements such as glide. The background was on a football pitch because that is where my story relates to. The starting conversation began when Avery asked Alex if she liked playing football, then Alex said yes and started playing football with him just for fun.  The most thing that I found interesting and fun about this is the fact where I could have many different movements happening at the same time, what I found tricky was the fact where you have to be exact in the timing you use between each conversation I used in the project. If I was going to do this project again I would improve on making new and more interesting things to get a higher mark and add some sound in it to make it look more realistic. In conclusion I found it fun making the scratch program project but it can take a lot of time to get everything right and perfect.

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