Saturday 23 April 2016

about me

                                                Post Title- Term 3- Scratch Programming Project
 Statement of Inquiry   Computational Creation enables me to be creative
Introduction     In Term 3 we will be working on Scratch programming. This is creative computing and enables us to explore various sprites and commands in Scratch.About MeThe scratch screen comes here.You should also snip tool your codes for the particular screen created
global context:

ATL skills:

Creative Thinking
Information Literacy
Identities and Relationship

Why I have chosen Identities and Relationships:
I have chosen identities and relationship because i feel that the things that i am going to be doing about are about my identities and my relationship with my friends and family. I am probably going to do a scratch about me playing football with my friend. The reason that I am going to be doing it about football is because I love playing football. I have played football when i was at a very young age and yet I still play it. But I have had many injuries and that stops me. I will be a lot doing of creative thinking on scratch because I have many ideas I would like to share, and I have learnt a lot in scratch such as doing new things with the characters. I will also be doing lots of research to see what new things scratch can do and have.

 What suits my project? 
Family and relationships:

All the three things are related because my family and most of my friends are interested in sport, but especially football (soccer). I have been introduced to football because of my dad, i have been trained for a long time, so now i will be taking my hobby to scratch program so i can share it with the rest of the people. One of my identities is playing football and one of my friend’s hobbies is playing football so is my dad’s and brother. Now I will be putting a program on scratch because that is talking about friends. That there is a lonely a girl and that I came and helped her because that before happened to me and we ended up with a good relationship between us. I like playing and doing work on scratch because it is a fun way of showing what you like in such a simple way.

reflection on scratch

what was my inspiration?
My inspiration is to learn how to do many different things on scratch such as the glide changing the background and changing the characters

how did u do that?

what did you get stuck on? how did you get unstuck?
i got stuck on making the background of scratch, but after that i learnt how to do it and ended up creating different backgrounds. I also got stuck on drawing a picture of me  wouldn't want to take a picture so i drew myself .
what are you most proud of?
i ma proud of the moves that i came up with like move 15 degrees left or right or forward and back. My favorite one was the glide. i also liked making the different sounds.
what might you do next?
i could have improved on my dialogue and talking to myself, i could have improved on testing many different new sounds i have only used the drum, but i should have used more sounds to make my scratch more interesting.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Evaluation- Criterion D

For the tech fair Malak and I did it about the photo booth. We did that because we thought it was a creative and simple thing to do. We started by getting the card board box to make the actual photo booth. We planned how it is going to be on a piece of paper so we can see how it will end up looking like. WE then cut a big hole in the photo booth so people can go in it and go out of it. Malak was in charge of the DIY (do it yourself) because she was very creative and loves art. i was in charge of decorating the photo booth itself. After that we got a stand to put the camera on it so it can take the picture or we can hold it ourselves. 
Time management:
We used our time wisely, we could do that because we are close friends and we could go to each other’s house anytime so we can finish the photo booth in time. But we could have spent more time on it.
Team Work:
we have worked well together well and spread out the work evenly. WE helped each other when we ere I trouble and we all put the ideas in the photo booth.  We could have spent some more time together doing the photo booth.
Obstacles to overcome:  
There were many obstacles in our photo booth, especially the most important ones such as the size of the photo booth itself. Some simple problems is what background should be colour it should be because it is for girls and boys.
Should we be in the tech fair?

We would like to be in the tech fair but I think that our standards were not high enough for the tech fair. i think it could be tech fair worthy but i find it hard to talk in front of people about the things that i did.